Midterm evaluation

We are halfway through with our project and the time has come to review our planned and future activities and success indicators – all in order to be sure that we are following the right course and our objectives will be reached in a realistic timeframe.

The midterm review is based on the main activities of the HPP project:

  1. Develop and conduct a survey of the future needs in health promotion in Estonia and Finland;
  2. Based on the survey results, develop at least 10 new aligned study programmes for professional higher education and 6 for vocational education;
  3. Test the new programmes and assess their quality and relevance, make improvements as necessary, and make these 16 programmes available to all interested parties.

It can be concluded that we have finished approximately 1,5 of the three activities listed above. The survey was conducted last year and the results of the analysis can be found on this website. The information and knowledge collected from the focus group interviews, analysis of the study results and roundtable meetings were used as basis for selecting the 10+6 programmes.

We are currently in the process of designing the study programmes and we have also started with preparations for the testing period.

The first to benefit from the new study programmes are the students of the partner organisations.

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